Сделать полосу загрузки на сайте как Ютуб и Хром

Как сделать полосу загрузки страницы вверху экрана как на YouTube


Теперь любой вебмастер имеет возможность сделать на своем сайте полосу загрузки как на Ютубе или браузере Гугл Хром. Для этого даже не надо писать собственный php или javascript. Все уже сделано за нас. Представляю вам готовый скрипт, который надо просто подключить на своей страничке. мы может менять скорость загрузки полосы, а также ее местоположение и цвет! Смотрите демо.

Для этого вставляем такой код перед закрывающим тегом head:

<script type="text/javascript" async="async" src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//www.ваш_сайт/scripts/nprogress.css" type="text/css" />
<script async="async" src="//www.ваш_сайт.ru/scripts/nprogress.js"></script>

Поясню код:
В первой строке подключаем библиотеку Jquery от гугла, т.к. его сервера самые быстрые.
Во второй строке подключаем стили для нашей полосы загрузки.
Ну и в третьей строке подключаем сам скрипт полоски. Ваш_сайт конечно же замените на имя вашего сайта!

Исходный код

Код скрипта полосы загрузки nprogress.js:

/* NProgress, (c) 2013, 2014 Rico Sta. Cruz - //ricostacruz.com/nprogress
 * @license MIT */
;(function(root, factory) {
  if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
  } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
    module.exports = factory();
  } else {
    root.NProgress = factory();
})(this, function() {
  var NProgress = {};
  NProgress.version = '0.1.6';
  var Settings = NProgress.settings = {
    minimum: 0.08,
    easing: 'ease',
    positionUsing: '',
    speed: 200,
    trickle: true,
    trickleRate: 0.02,
    trickleSpeed: 800,
    showSpinner: true,
    barSelector: '[role="bar"]',
    spinnerSelector: '[role="spinner"]',
    parent: 'body',
    template: '<div class="bar" role="bar"><div class="peg"></div></div><div class="spinner" role="spinner"><div class="spinner-icon"></div></div>'
   * Updates configuration.
   *     NProgress.configure({
   *       minimum: 0.1
   *     });
  NProgress.configure = function(options) {
    var key, value;
    for (key in options) {
      value = options[key];
      if (value !== undefined && options.hasOwnProperty(key)) Settings[key] = value;
    return this;
   * Last number.
  NProgress.status = null;
   * Sets the progress bar status, where `n` is a number from `0.0` to `1.0`.
   *     NProgress.set(0.4);
   *     NProgress.set(1.0);
  NProgress.set = function(n) {
    var started = NProgress.isStarted();
    n = clamp(n, Settings.minimum, 1);
    NProgress.status = (n === 1 ? null : n);
    var progress = NProgress.render(!started),
        bar      = progress.querySelector(Settings.barSelector),
        speed    = Settings.speed,
        ease     = Settings.easing;
    progress.offsetWidth; /* Repaint */
    queue(function(next) {
      // Set positionUsing if it hasn't already been set
      if (Settings.positionUsing === '') Settings.positionUsing = NProgress.getPositioningCSS();
      // Add transition
      css(bar, barPositionCSS(n, speed, ease));
      if (n === 1) {
        // Fade out
        css(progress, { 
          transition: 'none', 
          opacity: 1 
        progress.offsetWidth; /* Repaint */
        setTimeout(function() {
          css(progress, { 
            transition: 'all ' + speed + 'ms linear', 
            opacity: 0 
          setTimeout(function() {
          }, speed);
        }, speed);
      } else {
        setTimeout(next, speed);
    return this;
  NProgress.isStarted = function() {
    return typeof NProgress.status === 'number';
   * Shows the progress bar.
   * This is the same as setting the status to 0%, except that it doesn't go backwards.
   *     NProgress.start();
  NProgress.start = function() {
    if (!NProgress.status) NProgress.set(0);
    var work = function() {
      setTimeout(function() {
        if (!NProgress.status) return;
      }, Settings.trickleSpeed);
    if (Settings.trickle) work();
    return this;
   * Hides the progress bar.
   * This is the *sort of* the same as setting the status to 100%, with the
   * difference being `done()` makes some placebo effect of some realistic motion.
   *     NProgress.done();
   * If `true` is passed, it will show the progress bar even if its hidden.
   *     NProgress.done(true);
  NProgress.done = function(force) {
    if (!force && !NProgress.status) return this;
    return NProgress.inc(0.3 + 0.5 * Math.random()).set(1);
   * Increments by a random amount.
  NProgress.inc = function(amount) {
    var n = NProgress.status;
    if (!n) {
      return NProgress.start();
    } else {
      if (typeof amount !== 'number') {
        amount = (1 - n) * clamp(Math.random() * n, 0.1, 0.95);
      n = clamp(n + amount, 0, 0.994);
      return NProgress.set(n);
  NProgress.trickle = function() {
    return NProgress.inc(Math.random() * Settings.trickleRate);
   * Waits for all supplied jQuery promises and
   * increases the progress as the promises resolve.
   * @param $promise jQUery Promise
  (function() {
    var initial = 0, current = 0;
    NProgress.promise = function($promise) {
      if (!$promise || $promise.state() == "resolved") {
        return this;
      if (current == 0) {
      $promise.always(function() {
        if (current == 0) {
            initial = 0;
        } else {
            NProgress.set((initial - current) / initial);
      return this;
   * (Internal) renders the progress bar markup based on the `template`
   * setting.
  NProgress.render = function(fromStart) {
    if (NProgress.isRendered()) return document.getElementById('nprogress');
    addClass(document.documentElement, 'nprogress-busy');
    var progress = document.createElement('div');
    progress.id = 'nprogress';
    progress.innerHTML = Settings.template;
    var bar      = progress.querySelector(Settings.barSelector),
        perc     = fromStart ? '-100' : toBarPerc(NProgress.status || 0),
        parent   = document.querySelector(Settings.parent),
    css(bar, {
      transition: 'all 0 linear',
      transform: 'translate3d(' + perc + '%,0,0)'
    if (!Settings.showSpinner) {
      spinner = progress.querySelector(Settings.spinnerSelector);
      spinner && removeElement(spinner);
    if (parent != document.body) {
      addClass(parent, 'nprogress-custom-parent');
    return progress;
   * Removes the element. Opposite of render().
  NProgress.remove = function() {
    removeClass(document.documentElement, 'nprogress-busy');
    removeClass(document.querySelector(Settings.parent), 'nprogress-custom-parent')
    var progress = document.getElementById('nprogress');
    progress && removeElement(progress);
   * Checks if the progress bar is rendered.
  NProgress.isRendered = function() {
    return !!document.getElementById('nprogress');
   * Determine which positioning CSS rule to use.
  NProgress.getPositioningCSS = function() {
    // Sniff on document.body.style
    var bodyStyle = document.body.style;
    // Sniff prefixes
    var vendorPrefix = ('WebkitTransform' in bodyStyle) ? 'Webkit' :
                       ('MozTransform' in bodyStyle) ? 'Moz' :
                       ('msTransform' in bodyStyle) ? 'ms' :
                       ('OTransform' in bodyStyle) ? 'O' : '';
    if (vendorPrefix + 'Perspective' in bodyStyle) {
      // Modern browsers with 3D support, e.g. Webkit, IE10
      return 'translate3d';
    } else if (vendorPrefix + 'Transform' in bodyStyle) {
      // Browsers without 3D support, e.g. IE9
      return 'translate';
    } else {
      // Browsers without translate() support, e.g. IE7-8
      return 'margin';
   * Helpers
  function clamp(n, min, max) {
    if (n < min) return min;
    if (n > max) return max;
    return n;
   * (Internal) converts a percentage (`0..1`) to a bar translateX
   * percentage (`-100%..0%`).
  function toBarPerc(n) {
    return (-1 + n) * 100;
   * (Internal) returns the correct CSS for changing the bar's
   * position given an n percentage, and speed and ease from Settings
  function barPositionCSS(n, speed, ease) {
    var barCSS;
    if (Settings.positionUsing === 'translate3d') {
      barCSS = { transform: 'translate3d('+toBarPerc(n)+'%,0,0)' };
    } else if (Settings.positionUsing === 'translate') {
      barCSS = { transform: 'translate('+toBarPerc(n)+'%,0)' };
    } else {
      barCSS = { 'margin-left': toBarPerc(n)+'%' };
    barCSS.transition = 'all '+speed+'ms '+ease;
    return barCSS;
   * (Internal) Queues a function to be executed.
  var queue = (function() {
    var pending = [];
    function next() {
      var fn = pending.shift();
      if (fn) {
    return function(fn) {
      if (pending.length == 1) next();
   * (Internal) Applies css properties to an element, similar to the jQuery 
   * css method.
   * While this helper does assist with vendor prefixed property names, it 
   * does not perform any manipulation of values prior to setting styles.
  var css = (function() {
    var cssPrefixes = [ 'Webkit', 'O', 'Moz', 'ms' ],
        cssProps    = {};
    function camelCase(string) {
      return string.replace(/^-ms-/, 'ms-').replace(/-([\da-z])/gi, function(match, letter) {
        return letter.toUpperCase();
    function getVendorProp(name) {
      var style = document.body.style;
      if (name in style) return name;
      var i = cssPrefixes.length,
          capName = name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1),
      while (i--) {
        vendorName = cssPrefixes[i] + capName;
        if (vendorName in style) return vendorName;
      return name;
    function getStyleProp(name) {
      name = camelCase(name);
      return cssProps[name] || (cssProps[name] = getVendorProp(name));
    function applyCss(element, prop, value) {
      prop = getStyleProp(prop);
      element.style[prop] = value;
    return function(element, properties) {
      var args = arguments,
      if (args.length == 2) {
        for (prop in properties) {
          value = properties[prop];
          if (value !== undefined && properties.hasOwnProperty(prop)) applyCss(element, prop, value);
      } else {
        applyCss(element, args[1], args[2]);
   * (Internal) Determines if an element or space separated list of class names contains a class name.
  function hasClass(element, name) {
    var list = typeof element == 'string' ? element : classList(element);
    return list.indexOf(' ' + name + ' ') >= 0;
   * (Internal) Adds a class to an element.
  function addClass(element, name) {
    var oldList = classList(element),
        newList = oldList + name;
    if (hasClass(oldList, name)) return; 
    // Trim the opening space.
    element.className = newList.substring(1);
   * (Internal) Removes a class from an element.
  function removeClass(element, name) {
    var oldList = classList(element),
    if (!hasClass(element, name)) return;
    // Replace the class name.
    newList = oldList.replace(' ' + name + ' ', ' ');
    // Trim the opening and closing spaces.
    element.className = newList.substring(1, newList.length - 1);
   * (Internal) Gets a space separated list of the class names on the element. 
   * The list is wrapped with a single space on each end to facilitate finding 
   * matches within the list.
  function classList(element) {
    return (' ' + (element.className || '') + ' ').replace(/\s+/gi, ' ');
   * (Internal) Removes an element from the DOM.
  function removeElement(element) {
    element && element.parentNode && element.parentNode.removeChild(element);
  return NProgress;

Код файла стилей полосы загрузки nprogress.css:

/* Make clicks pass-through */
#nprogress {
  pointer-events: none;
#nprogress .bar {
  /*background: #29d;
  background: #4EBAF6;
  background: #0072BC;*/
  background: #ED812B;
  position: fixed;
  z-index: 1031;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 2px;
/* Fancy blur effect */
#nprogress .peg {
  display: block;
  position: absolute;
  right: 0px;
  width: 100px;
  height: 100%;
  box-shadow: 0 0 10px #FFBA00, 0 0 5px #FFBA00;
  opacity: 1.0;
  -webkit-transform: rotate(3deg) translate(0px, -4px);
      -ms-transform: rotate(3deg) translate(0px, -4px);
          transform: rotate(3deg) translate(0px, -4px);
/* Remove these to get rid of the spinner */
#nprogress .spinner {
  display: block;
  position: fixed;
  z-index: 1031;
  top: 15px;
  right: 15px;
#nprogress .spinner-icon {
  width: 18px;
  height: 18px;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  border: solid 2px transparent;
  border-top-color: #29d;
  border-left-color: #29d;
  border-radius: 50%;
  -webkit-animation: nprogress-spinner 400ms linear infinite;
          animation: nprogress-spinner 400ms linear infinite;
.nprogress-custom-parent {
  overflow: hidden;
  position: relative;
.nprogress-custom-parent #nprogress .spinner,
.nprogress-custom-parent #nprogress .bar {
  position: absolute;
@-webkit-keyframes nprogress-spinner {
  0%   { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); }
  100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); }
@keyframes nprogress-spinner {
  0%   { transform: rotate(0deg); }
  100% { transform: rotate(360deg); }

После тега body разместить такой код:

setTimeout(function() { NProgress.done(); $('.fade').removeClass('out'); }, 1800);